On 07/10/2011 12:02, ext Michael Hasselmann wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 16:58 +0000, marius.storm-***@nokia.com wrote:
>> Due to limitations with regards to Corporate Contribution License
>> Agreements (Corporate CLAs), only Nokia personnel may have direct
>> access to the Qt Project infrastructure.
> How does operating a server conflict with such weird licenses (and
> please let me call them weird if they really do create such issues …)?
> Does that mean that the Qt project would never be able to outsource the
> web hosting to another company? How would it then be possible at all
> that the Qt repos are currently also hosted at gitorious.org?
As you are likely aware, the Qt project will have a contribution
agreement in order to enable Nokia to continue meeting its legacy
commitments to the KDE Free Qt Foundation
(http://www.kde.org/community/whatiskde/kdefreeqtfoundation.php) and to
allow Digia's (http://qt.digia.com) commercial Qt users to participate
in the project.
The infrastructure for the contribution agreement process will be hosted
on the same servers as the other project infrastructure. Because the
contribution agreement enables Nokia to fulfill its legal obligations,
it needs to ensure that the system is secure.
Thus, at least at the beginning of the Qt Project, this means that Nokia
will maintain control of the infrastructure. Over time, some trusted
individuals may be provided with access.
Regarding Nokia's ability to use third party hosts and consultants, we
can do this by entering into hosting/service contracts with the providers.